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Are you looking for a reliable source of medical information and advice? Look no further than "A Doctor's Diary"! Our team of experienced medical practitioners share their knowledge and insights on a variety of health topics, from preventative care to the latest medical research.

Digestive System's Disease पाचन तन्त्र के रोग

                            भूख न लगना

 • Tension  
• Depression 
• Alcholism  
• Smoking & drug abuse 
• Wormi nfection 
 • Liver diseases
 • Anemia  


       Tb. Unizyme ( fungal distage, pepsin &                                       activated charcol tablets ) 


             Tb. Bandy. ( albendazole 400 mg ) 


           Cap. Carbohem ( corbonyl iron ,folic                                                acid & zinc capsule ) 

 For increase appetite 

           Tb. Ciplactin. ( Cyproheptidine                                                      hydrochloride tab 4mg)

                  yp (cybroheptidine          hydrochloride 4mg)

 aditional medicine 

Syp Geriforte (General metabolic tonic)

 Power protein ✗  

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